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actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.gui.MainUIWindow
Action listener method to react on events.
ApplicationStarter - Class in de.aikiit.fotorenamer
Main class to start the application in standalone mode.
ApplicationStarter() - Constructor for class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.ApplicationStarter


build() - Static method in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.gui.MainUIWindow
Creates the main UI window and initializes all internal UI-components.
BUILD_NUMBER - Static variable in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.util.Version
Build number of the current artifact.


ComponentGaugeUtil - Class in de.aikiit.fotorenamer.util
Helper class to center Swing-components.
ComponentGaugeUtil() - Constructor for class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.util.ComponentGaugeUtil
createImageIcon(String) - Static method in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.util.ComponentGaugeUtil
Helper that transforms a given path into an ImageIcon.
CreationDateFromExifImageRenamer - Class in de.aikiit.fotorenamer.image
This class transforms picture file names.
CreationDateFromExifImageRenamer(String) - Constructor for class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.image.CreationDateFromExifImageRenamer
The given directory is scanned for image files that are processed.


de.aikiit.fotorenamer - package de.aikiit.fotorenamer
Base package of this tool, that contains the main class to start this application.
de.aikiit.fotorenamer.exception - package de.aikiit.fotorenamer.exception
Contains all exception classes that are used within this tool.
de.aikiit.fotorenamer.gui - package de.aikiit.fotorenamer.gui
Contains all UI or GUI related classes or components.
de.aikiit.fotorenamer.image - package de.aikiit.fotorenamer.image
Contains all image related classes of that tool (EXIF-extraction, file renaming).
de.aikiit.fotorenamer.util - package de.aikiit.fotorenamer.util
Contains all utility and helper classes.


getBundleString(String) - Static method in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.util.LocalizationHelper
Helper function to retrieve a given key from the underlying resource bundle.
getLanguage() - Static method in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.util.LocalizationHelper
Returns the currently set language.
getLocale() - Static method in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.util.LocalizationHelper
Returns the application's locale.
getParameterizedBundleString(String, Object...) - Static method in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.util.LocalizationHelper
Helper function to retrieve a given key from the underlying resource bundle while applying localization parameters.
getProgress() - Method in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.gui.ProgressBar
Getter for current step/progress.
getText() - Method in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.gui.ProgressBar
Getter for text value.


InvalidDirectoryException - Exception Class in de.aikiit.fotorenamer.exception
Exception that indicates that an error occurred when touching the selected directory.
InvalidDirectoryException(File) - Constructor for exception class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.exception.InvalidDirectoryException
Provide error messages for one directory.
InvalidDirectoryException(String) - Constructor for exception class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.exception.InvalidDirectoryException
Shows and logs a given error message.


LocalizationHelper - Class in de.aikiit.fotorenamer.util
Helper to deal with localizations and ease the usage of resource bundles within fotorenamer.
LocalizationHelper() - Constructor for class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.util.LocalizationHelper


main(String[]) - Static method in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.ApplicationStarter
Creates an application window and runs the application.
MainUIWindow - Class in de.aikiit.fotorenamer.gui
This class holds the main application window and allows to select a directory to perform the image name processing.
makeCentered(Component) - Static method in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.util.ComponentGaugeUtil
Gauge the given component on screen.


NoFilesFoundException - Exception Class in de.aikiit.fotorenamer.exception
Exception class to indicate that a selected directory contains no relevant files to be renamed.
NoFilesFoundException(File) - Constructor for exception class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.exception.NoFilesFoundException
Provide error messages for a directory.


ProgressBar - Class in de.aikiit.fotorenamer.gui
This class provides a progressbar with 2 lines.
ProgressBar(int) - Constructor for class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.gui.ProgressBar
Creates a progress bar with the given amount as 100 percent.
PROJECT_ARTIFACT_ID - Static variable in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.util.Version
Maven coordinate: project.artifactId.
PROJECT_VERSION - Static variable in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.util.Version
Maven coordinate: project.version.


removeCrLf(String) - Static method in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.util.LocalizationHelper
Helper method to prevent CRLF injection in logs.
RemoveExifPrefixRenamer - Class in de.aikiit.fotorenamer.image
This class rerenames files in order to be able to play them back onto a camera device that is not able to deal with long filenames.
RemoveExifPrefixRenamer(String) - Constructor for class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.image.RemoveExifPrefixRenamer
Main constructor that takes a directory to work on.
renameImage(File) - Method in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.image.CreationDateFromExifImageRenamer
Extracts creation date from EXIF information and returns new filename.
RenamingErrorException - Exception Class in de.aikiit.fotorenamer.exception
Exception that indicates that an error occurred during processing.
RenamingErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.exception.RenamingErrorException
Provide error messages for one directory.
run() - Method in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.image.CreationDateFromExifImageRenamer
Performs the renaming and updates the UI.
run() - Method in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.image.RemoveExifPrefixRenamer
Updates the UI and performs the renaming.


setLocale() - Static method in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.util.LocalizationHelper
Set locale depending on system properties, in case of errors fallback is Locale.GERMANY.
setProgress() - Method in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.gui.ProgressBar
Set progress by setting the amount of items that are processed successfully.
setText(String) - Method in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.gui.ProgressBar
Sets the part of this component that shows above the graphical bar.


TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.util.Version
Build timestamp in milliseconds.


updateUI() - Method in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.gui.ProgressBar
After any changes the UI needs to be repainted and recentered which is done by that method.


Version - Class in de.aikiit.fotorenamer.util
Contents of that file is generated during the build.
Version() - Constructor for class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.util.Version
VERSION - Static variable in class de.aikiit.fotorenamer.util.Version
Current version of the project read from pom.xml.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form